25000 - 45000 Kč/měsíc

B2B Telemarketing – Domlouvání schůzek pro obchodníky (100% Home Office)

ATLAS software a.s. - Brno

O nás Jsme ATLAS Group, lídrem na trhu v oblasti právních a manažerských systémů. Již více než třicet let vyvíjíme a prodáváme unikátní software, který firmám pomáhá šetřit peníze i čas. Chcete mít ...

včera | uložit | více

Customer Care Representative with Danish

Notino, s.r.o. - Brno

Startup spirit, a young team, and a huge drive to change the established order of the e-commerce world. That's exactly what Notino is. We are a Czech company, but from Brno, we have expanded to 27 ...

13.09.24 | uložit | více

Vedoucí oddělení zákaznické podpory

ManpowerGroup s.r.o. - Brno

Vaším úkolem bude vedení oddělení (10-20 členů týmu) a dohlížení nad procesy. Aktivně povede své podřízené k neustálému zlepšování svých dovedností, a tím i poskytovaných služeb. Budete jim ...

12.09.24 | uložit | více

Job temporar - Suport pentru clienți

Notino, s.r.o. - Brno

 Spirit de start-up și o dorință uriașă de a schimba ordinea stabilită a lumii comerțului electronic. Asta este exact ceea ce este Notino. Suntem o companie cehă, dar din Brno, ne-am extins în alte ...

12.09.24 | uložit | více

Lavoro temporaneo - Assistenza clienti

Notino, s.r.o. - Brno

Uno spirito da startup e un'enorme spinta a cambiare l'ordine consolidato del mondo dell'e-commerce. Notino è esattamente questo. Siamo un'azienda ceca, ma dalla città di Brno ci siamo espansi in ...

12.09.24 | uložit | více


ManpowerGroup s.r.o. - Brno

This is an opportunity to grow your career within an international corporation. Your job would be about putting data together, communicating with colleagues, employees, clients, or suppliers, and ...

11.09.24 | uložit | více

Customer support with Portuguese

ManpowerGroup s.r.o. - Brno

Your job will be about resolving customers‘ requests, managing them in the system, responding accurately and on time and making sure that the provided service is professional. You will also ...

25.08.24 | uložit | více

Customer support with Danish

ManpowerGroup s.r.o. - Brno

Your job will be about resolving customers‘ requests, managing them in the system, responding accurately and on time, and ensuring that the provided service is professional. You will also participate ...

24.08.24 | uložit | více

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