Firma: Grafton Recruitment s.r.o.
(+420) 242 456 650
Kód: 13-16-411752
Grafton Recruitment byl založen v roce 1982 a patří k předním dodavatelům personálního poradenství. Je jednou z největších nezávislých evropských firem, která vyhledává zaměstnance napříč všemi sektory a pracovními pozicemi. V ČR nás můžete navštívit na 14 pobočkách. Více na
We offer you a unique opportunity to become part of a global company where you will have a direct impact on ensuring the smooth operation of critical technological services and systems.
We are looking for an experienced and proactive Incident Manager - Senior IT Infrastructure Specialist to join our team in Brno or Prague and help us keep our key systems and services running seamlessly. Our team is responsible for the infrastructure and operations of all production systems and services, covering both on-premises solutions and cloud-based data centers. In this role, you will ensure rapid and effective resolution of incidents with minimal impact on operations and daily activities.
If you have the relevant experience and can communicate fluently in English (technical communication and business negotiations), don't hesitate to send us your CV.
Send us your CV in English and Czech if you have one. For more related job opportunities visit
Místo práce: Praha
Typ úvazku: hlavní pracovní poměr
Plat: 70000 - 100000 Kč/měsíc
Reagovat na tuto pozici na webu zaměstnavatele
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